Student Entrepreneurs: Comdev as PrasMul’s Concrete Service Dedicated to Societal Development

School of Business and Economics - Universitas Prasetiya Mulya > Student Entrepreneurs: Comdev as PrasMul’s Concrete Service Dedicated to Societal Development

As an educational institution engaged in entrepreneurship, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya is committed to providing sustainable services for community entrepreneurial activities. In line with this commitment, Prasetiya Mulya teaches its students to become not only profit-oriented but also socially and environmentally responsible entrepreneurs. The Community Development Program (Comdev) is Universitas Prasetiya Mulya’s concrete form of service especially dedicated to the community.

Since 2007, the project has been developed into a Community Development Project (KKN) with high commitment to contributing to the welfare of rural communities. Thus far Prasetiya Mulya’s Comdev has fostered rural small-micro enterprises (SMEs) to enable them in handling various problems. By the end of a Comdev program, villagers are expected to be able to use the right “hook and rod” for whatever business they are in, so they can get to “fish” for optimal outcome.

Parties typically involved in a Comdev program are: the university FM, students—who are usually grouped into “energizers” and “builders”)–and local entrepreneurs.  Prasetiya Mulya  acts as an intermediary between students and the community. The students and local entrepreneurs (also known as Comdev partners) are key players in the implementation stage.