Prof. Andreas Budihardjo, Ph.D.

Faculty of Organization & Human Resource Management Prasetiya Mulya University
Awards and Honour


Several books and articles have been written & published in journals, books, working papers, magazines, Anthology and proceedings, such as Pergeseran Pendekatan Mekanistik ke pendekatan Holistik pada Ilmu Manajemen, in Visi Baru Kehidupan, Publisher PPM, 2002; The Role of the Strategic of Human Resource management.




Research Peran Budaya Pembelajaran dan Knowledge Management Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan:  Studi kKasus PT XYZh

International Research Journal of Business Studies (2008). Vol 1 No. 3. Publisher of IRJBS
Prasetiya Mulya Publishing - Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. Author: Mirawati Purnama., Other author: Andreas Budihardjo.




The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment, Organizational Learning Climate And Corporate PerformanceThe Relationship Between Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment, Organizational Learning Climate And Corporate Performance

GSTF Journal on Business Review (2013). Vol 2 No. 4, pp: 58-64. Author: Andreas Budihardjo.

Pentingnya Safety Culture Di Rumah Sakit Upaya Meminimalkan Adverse Events

International Research Journal of Business Studies (2008). Vol 1 No. 1. Publisher of IRJBS
Prasetiya Mulya Publishing - Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. Author: Andreas Budihardjo.

The identification of safety values in XYZ Hospital

International Employment Relations Review (2011). Vol 17 Issue 1, pp: 53-64. International Employment Relations Association. Author: Andreas Budihardjo.

Peranan Budaya Perusahaan: Suatu Pendekatan Sistematik dalam Mengelola Perusahaan

Prasetya Mulya Management Journal (2003). Vol 8 No. 14, pp: 51-56. Prasetiya Mulya University. Author: Andreas Budihardjo.


Awards and Honour

Awarded an expert in Organizational and Industrial Psychology

by APIO (The Indonesian Association of Psychologists Organization) in 2004.




Organizational Culture

Organization & Leadership

Human Resource Mgt

Knowledge Management

Human Capital

Organization Theories

Cross-cultural Management


Conference, Talks, Speaking, Engagements and Profesional Experience:

A speaker in many national and International seminars and conferences  for companies and universities  among others are:  CBHR Management Seminar in BCA, Knowledge Management in  Mercer Seminar, Strategic Human Resources Management for Plaza Indonesia Directors, Auto 2000 KM Seminar,  Corporate Culture, Human Capital & Intrapreneurship for Pertamina’s managers,  CorporateCulture for Managers in Waskita Karya, Seminars for university of Indonesia; Petra University; University of Bandar Lampung; University of Groningen; University of Airlangga; Maryland University;  University of Surabaya,  APIO conference, HIMPSI conference, International case conference, in Washington, D.C., E & AM International Conference in Portugal, B&ESI International Conference In Paris and in Flagstaff, International Multi-Conference on Systems, Cybernetic & Information in Orlando, International Semiotic  Conference, in Groningen, Netherlands,   International HR Conference, Artdo,  Festival Change  seminar, PIK Hospital,Jakarta,  Knowledge Management Community, Jakarta, FIF company, Bank Syariah Mandiri, International Business Federation, Singapore, Kompas Gramedia, Total EP,  International  Economy & Business Conference in New Zealand, etc. Editor & Reviewer. An Editor for management journals from several universities such as: Prasetiya Mulya business school, and  University of Indonesia. 



Visiting lecturer/ professor in Post Graduate program in Psychology Dept, University of Indonesia, 1991 – present.

Visiting lecturer/ professor in Post Graduate program in Psychology Dept, University of Airlangga Surabaya, 2002 - present.

Senior Editor Forum Management Magazine, present.

Vice editor in chief IRJBS (Journal) Prasetiya Mulya Business School, 2009 –present.


Advisor for Corporate of Good Government (Komisi Reposisi MM Prasetiya Mulya), 2013.


Chairman of Human Resource Dept. at Prasetiya Mulya Business School (2002 – 2012).

Director of MBA (MM) program, Prasetiya Mulya Business School, 2008 – 2012. 

Chairman, Dept of Organization and Human Resources, 2004 - 2012. 

Director of MBA program of Prasetiya Mulya Business School (2008 - 2012)


PhD. Committee and Ph.D supervisor, in Boston University, Groningen University & New castle University


Lecturer at management dept. in the University of Groningen, The Netherlands (1999-2001).


Head of Human Resource Dept. at Prasetiya Mulya Business School (1991 – 1993).


Managerial: Human Resource Expert in General Motors & Isuzu dealers Training Centre, Jakarta ( 1984 – 1988).


Consultancy: An organizational & management Consultant since 1979.

Dewan Ediktor Jurnal Humaniora Makara, Universitas Indonesia, 

Published Writings:

Kewirausahaan Efektif, FMPM 32 #1 (Forum Management Prasetiya Mulya), pp: 20 - 26, January - March 2018. Author: A. Budihardjo.

Kepemimpinan Dini Dalam Aksi, FMPM 32 #3 (Forum Management Prasetiya Mulya), pp: 8 - 15, 21 November 2018. Author: A. Budihardjo.

Meningkatkan Kinerja Perusahaan Melalui Strategi Pengelolaan Pengetahuan, FMPM 32 #4 (Forum Management Prasetiya Mulya), pp: 18 - 23, 22 December 2018. Author: A. Budihardjo.



Before joinning Prasetiya Mulya, Prof. Dr. Andreas Budihardjo was employed as a human resource management general expert for the general motors and Izuzu training center, and as a consultant in a number of private enterprises. In addition to teaching and providing management consultancy services, Prof. Dr. Andreas Budihardjo is also an active public speaker. Besides working at Prasetiya Mulya, he also teaches organizational psychology, learning organization and knowledge management in the graduate psychology program of the University of Indonesia.