Prof. Sammy Kristamuljana, Ph.D

Dosen Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
Awards and Honour


The Resultant Model of Strategic Management, Business Landscape in The Digital Era, Agile Strategies, and Flexible Strategies.





The resultant model of strategic management

International Conference on Business Strategy and Organizational Behaviour (2011). Vol 1 No. 1, pp: 128-131. International Journal on GSTF Business Review. Author: Sammy Kristamuljana.

Manajemen Stratejik Sebagai Proses Manajemen Keterdesakan

INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF BUSINESS STUDIES (2015). Vol 3 No. 3. Publisher of IRJBS Prasetiya Mulya Publishing. Author: Sammy Kristamuljana.

Flexible strategies of Indonesian export-oriented firms: the case of the garment industry

Thesis (1997). City, University of London. Author: Sammy Kristamuljana.

Awards and Honour

The Chevening Award scholarship

The British Council 1993/94

The Resultant Model of Strategic Management

The Best Research Paper at GSTF’s Annual Conference of BizStrategy 2011



Strategic Plan

Strategy Under Changing Business Landschape

Corporate Governance

Strategic Management

Conference, Talks, Speaking, Engagements and Profesional Experience:


"Finance Companies Industry Overview", speaker at Workshop on Strengthening Finance Companies and Venture Capital in Indonesia, conducted by Ministry of Finance and World Bank (Hotel Mulia, Jakarta, 2006)

"Competitive Strategy in Insurance Industry", speech at the graduation ceremony of The Assosiation of Indonesian Insurance Management Specialist batch XIV (Gedung Bidakara, Jakarta, 2006)


Not Commanding But Persuading And Shaping That Make Learning Organization, 3rd International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization, Atlantis Press, 25 March 2016. Author: S. Kristamuljana.


Published Writings:

Strategi Distruptor Mempertahankan Momentum Pertumbuhan, FMPM 32 #4 (Forum Management Prasetiya Mulya), pp: 8 - 17, 22 December 2018. Author: S. Kristamuljana.

G3: Triumvirat Pimpinan Perusahaan Masa Kini, FMPM 32 #2 (Forum Management Prasetiya Mulya), pp: 14 - 19, May - July 2018. Author: S. Kristamuljana.

Potensi Indonesia di ASEAN untuk Ekspor ke India dari Perspektif Manajemen, Jurnal Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, vol 12, 1 February 2018. Author: S. Kristamuljana.

Menghadapi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi 2018, FMPM 32 #1 (Forum Management Prasetiya Mulya), pp: 12 - 17, January - March 2018. Author: S. Kristamuljana.


Sammy Kristamuljana is Professor of Strategic Management at Prasetiya Mulya Business School (PMBS) since 2004 and former Dean of PMBS from Jan. 2004 to Feb. 2012. He has been with PMBS during the last 32 years as faculty member. He holds a PhD in Strategy and International Business from City University London, Cass Business School (1998); MSM from Arthur D. Little Management Education Institute, Boston, MA (1988); Accountant degree from the Indonesian Ministry of Finance (1985); and BA in Accountancy from Faculty of Economy, University of Indonesia (1980).

His research interests include: The resultant model of strategic management, business landscape in the digital era, and the flexible strategies. His research on “the Resultant Model of Strategic Management” was awarded the Best Research Paper at GSTF’s Annual Conference of BizStrategy 2011. He was also granted The Chevening Award Scholarship from The British Council (1993/1994).

Since July 2012 he has become an Independent Commissioner of PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk. In this respect he holds the Certificate of Competence Bank Risk Management for Comissioner Level 4 and Level 5 issued by Banking Professional Certification Body (renewed 2014). Since 2013 he has been appointed as a member at the Board of Trustee of the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) and since 2003 Facilitator of Professional Director Program – IICD.

Before joined Prasetiya Mulya he experienced in textile trading company and banking. He had held Chief Accountant position at PT Bank Dagang Nasional Indonesia until March 1983.