Dr. Achmad Setyo Hadi

 : ashadi@pmbs.ac.id

: BSD (021) 305 50 500 ext 2245 Cilandak (021) 75 111 26 ext 1107


Direktur Program Pasca Sarjana School of Business and Economics Universitas Prasetiya Mulya 



Organization, Corporate Culture, Regional Studies, Serendipity





The Role of Culture and Community In Developing Effective Organization

INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF BUSINESS STUDIES (2008), Vol 1 No. 2, pp: 219-230. Author: Achmad Setyo Hadi.





Europeanization of Corporate Cultures as Consequence of the European Integration

Jurnal Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya (2006). Vol 11 No. 2, pp: 119-135. Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. Author: Achmad Setyo Hadi.

The Roles of Business in Europeanization

Jurnal Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya (2017). Vol 12 No 1, pp: 40-44. Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. Author: Achmad Setyo Hadi.




Organizational Behavior

Creating Learning Organization

Human Resource management


Conference, Talks, Speaking, Engagements and Profesional Experience:


2011 :

"Peran Budaya dalam Pembentukan Organisasi yang Inovatif". Presented at "The 6th MRC's Doctoral Journey in Management" (FE-Universitas Indonesia pada 7 Juli 2011).

"Lesson from the European Union: Corporate Culture As A Competitive Strategy " dan Presented at "The 15th International Business Research Conference" (Sydney Australia pada 21-23 November 2011).


2010 :

The Development of Competitive Advantage through Knowledge Management and Innovative Culture (proceeding). (Presented at Forum Manajemen Indonesia 2010 on November 2 - 3, 2010 in Surabaya -Indonesia).


2007 :

The Role of Culture and Community to Develop Effective Organization. Proceeding precented at The 2nd Indonesian Business Management Conference on "Mastering Innovation for Corporate Growth" (Prasetiya Mulya Business School Jakarta, January 30, 2007).

Pembentukan Modal Insani melalui Organisasi yang Belajar . Proceeding precented at HR Seminar: Crafting the Human Capital Edge in a Knowledge-Driven (Company Prasetiya Mulya Business School Jakarta, August 15, 2007).


2005 :


"The Impact of European Integration toward the Development of Corporate Culture" (Proceeding. Proceeding presented at “8th Indonesian Students' Scientific Meeting (ISSM 2004)" (7-9 October 2004 at RWTH Aachen Germany (ISSN 0855-8692)).

"Learning from the European Union: Building Competitive Strategy through Corporate Culture" (Proceeding). Proceeding presented at "International Conference on Toward Indonesia 2020" (5 March 2005 at Asia Africa Institute University of Hamburg Germany (ISBN 3-89342-022-3)).

"Cultural Diversity: Interrelation between Business and Environment"(Proceeding). Proceeding presented at "Indonesian Students' Scientific Meeting 2005" (30th Seotember - 1st October 2005 in Paris - France).






Achmad Setyo Hadi, a Prasetiya Mulya University Faculty Member who focuses on teaching Accounting. With a professional background in the fields of accounting, finance, and banking, he is certainly able to teach well based on the experience he has. In addition to accounting, he also teaches in Leadership, Organization Dynamics, Organizational Behavior, and Human Resource Management courses. In addition to teaching, he was also active in several social activities, some of which were field supervisors for community development and observer activities in field business simulation activities.

He has published a book about start-up business with the title "START ME UP!" in 2014. He has also made several studies which include the Role of Culture and Community Effective Development Organization, and the Impact of the European Integration on Corporate Cultures.