Galih Sakitri, SE, MM, MBA

  : BSD (021) 304 50 500 ext. 2712

Faculty Member Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Awards and Honour


Human Resources Management, Leadership, Organization Design & Dynamics



Local community engagement in a festival in Indonesia

International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research (2018). Vol. 12 Issue: 1, pp.29-46. Emerald Publishing Limited. Author: Galih Sakitri.



Inclusivity to Escalate Diversity: A Case Study of a Pharmaceutical Company in Indonesia

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences (2015). Vol. 6 Issue 6 S5, pp: 454. MCSER-Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. Author: Galih Sakitri

The Mediating Role of Job Stress on the Relationship between Stressors and Employee Performance: A Study of a Company in Indonesia.

Conference of Corporate Management (2012). pp: 1-111. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.

Awards and Honour


Publication Award in the International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, Emerald Publisher – Scopus – Single Author (2018).

Internal Research Grant from Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, research entitled: “The Moderator Role of P-O Fit in The Relationship between Faculty Satisfaction, HRM Practices, and Intention to Stay" (2017).

Internal Research Grant from Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, research entitled: “The Role of Headhunter in Big-scale Companies in Indonesia" (2016).

Best Paper in Conference of Corporate Management Performance at National Pingtung University of Science & Technology (2012).

Granted Biro Kerjasama Luar Negri (BKLN) Master Double Degree Scholarship (Indonesia-Taiwan) and resulted in outstanding achievements with high recognition for all the subjects taken (Total Subject Average 91.34 out of 100) (2010).

Achieved Cum Laude Honors and ranked as the 2nd Best Graduate at University of Brawijaya.

Has been able finished the Bachelor Degree for only 40 months (compared to 48 months in regular) with an outstanding Student Performance Report (GPA: 3.83 out of 4.00)



MM & MBA, Human Resources Management, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
Bachelor's degree, Human Resources Management, University of Brawijaya



Human Resource Management
Organization Design and Dynamics
Corporate Responsibility and Ethics
Community Development
Personal Development

Profesional Experiences

Lecturer and Researcher (2013-present) at School of Business and Economics, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Tangerang, Indonesia.

Head of International Cooperation (2016-present) at School of Business and Economics, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Tangerang, Indonesia

Researcher (2012- 2013) at People Search INDONESIA, Executive Search Firm, Jakarta, Indonesia

Research Assistant (2010-2011) at Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

Published Writings

How Stressors Amazingly Improve your Working Performance (popular article).


Seminar, Speaker, Engangement, Workshop, Trainings:


Speaker at AIESEC Youth Speak Forum: Achieving The Excellence of Social Media in Youth, November, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.

Speaker for Motivation Training: Path to A Successful Eventpreneur, February, Islam Cikal Harapan Senior High School, Tangerang, Indonesia.

Attend the Learning in The 21st Century Seminar: Teaching Millenials in their terms, February, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.

Speaker for the member of Asosiasi UMKM Samudera Indonesia (AUSI) Workshop: HR in StartUp Business, February, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.

Training MAXQDA for Qualitative Research Method, November, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.


Speaker for Micro and Small Enterprise Seminar at Wanayasa area: Human Resource Development, February, Purwakarta, Indonesia.

Lecture Visits in Community Development Project, February, at Wanayasa, Purwakarta, Indonesia.

Recruitment Team for Social Project called “Inspiring Class (known as Kelas Inspirasi) Tangerang 2” held in Tangerang, Indonesia.

Attend the Workshop Advance Academic Writing Skills for Faculty and Students Collaboration in Event and Tourism Area, November, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.

Attend the 12th HR Expo Conference and Exhibition: HRM Strategies for The Continuity and Sustainability of Organization to Face Business Competition, December, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia.


Paper Presenter at HCSIC (Human Capital & Strategy International Conference), November, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Speaker for Motivation Training in Career Achievement, November, Insan Cendekia Madani Senior High School, Tangerang, Indonesia.

Speaker for Motivation Training in The Spirit of Employee Engagement to Achieve the Organization Success, July, PT. Satelit Post, Purwekerto, Indonesia.

Speaker for Entrepreneurship Training; Recruiting and Managing HR in Small Business, May, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.

Speaker for Professional Character Building Training, May, AIESEC Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.

Recruitment Team for Social Project called “Inspiring Class (known as Kelas Inspirasi) Tangerang Selatan 1” held in Tangerang, Indonesia.


Paper Presenter at ICSS (International Conference on Social Science) September, Istanbul, Turkey.

Paper Presenter at AAPBS (Association Asia-Pacific Business School) Conference, May, Bali, Indonesia.


A Workshop for Future Research Leader held by Curtin University, Jakarta, Indonesia.


Presenter of research paper at “National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Conference of Corporate and Management”.

Presenter of research paper at “Chang Jung Christian University, Conference of Management”, Taiwan.


Galih Sakitri is a faculty member at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. She has a master’s degree in business administration from the department of business administration at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology and a master’s degree in management from the department of management at Universitas Brawijaya, majoring in human resources management. She currently teaches courses in leadership and organization for business major at the department of management. She also teaches human resources management for business major at the department of management and human resources management for event major at the department of tourism business. Her research interests include stress management, community engagement, human resources management, and organizational behavior. She is also actively involved as motivator and speaker for many organizations and communities.