Virtual outbound? We were not sure at first, but chemistry was immediately established with the participants through pre-planned games. We laughed together, learned together, and built bonds with each other. We continued with the process of distributing the “entrepreneurial managerial and leadership concept” learning modules to the SMK principal participants for reading material and discussions with facilitators. Eventually, the online learning concluded with assistance in creating Innovative School Development Project Plans.
Virtual closeness seemed insufficient, so we continued to offline learning held at one of the hotels in South Jakarta, namely Hotel Kristal, Cilandak District. After the opening by Mr. Fathony Rahman, DBA, Dean of the School of Business and Economics, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, offline learning was delivered through game sessions to give participants the opportunity to get to know each other and facilitators more deeply. Once again, we were forced to laugh together because of the enthusiasm and humor of the Vocational School Principals who were very excited to play with the facilitators.
We had no difficulty in making the classroom atmosphere lively and warm. The process continued until we reached more serious sessions, namely the delivery of Mini MBA materials and the CEO meet ‘CEO’ forum. In these two key sessions, we invited participants to get to know our senior Faculty Members for interactive discussions regarding concepts explained, ranging from CEO Characteristics, Strategic Management and Performance, Innovation Management, Personal Mastery and Entrepreneurial Leadership, HR Management and Change, and System Thinking for Decision Making. For the CEO meet ‘CEO’ forum, we offered quite varied alternatives of speakers from CEOs of large, medium, and small companies so that learning aspects could align with collaborative opportunities that could be built among CEOs.
The next session was where participants were facilitated to develop Innovative School Development Project Plans, which were then given the opportunity to implement them for 25 days at their respective schools. Many discussions were built during the implementation process, and once again, we saw the persistence of the Vocational School Principals and their enthusiasm with various motivations driving them to develop their schools. Finally, we and the Vocational School Principals met at the culmination of the activity, namely the certification exam to jointly assess their ideas and ‘temporary’ achievements (Graduation Certificate). Moving forward, the plans built are not only limited to 25 days but possibly to answer the future of schools for 5 years or even decades ahead in order to create graduates who are truly capable of getting closer to the development of IDUKA (Industrial and Work World).