Prof. Dr. Lukas Setia Atmadja, M.Sc., Ph.D

Awards and Honour


Financial Strategy, Investment, Corporate Governance, Family Business.





The Co-Insurance Effect Hypothesis and The Cost of Bank Loans: Evidence from Indonesian Pyramidal Business Groups

Global Finance Journal (2018) Vol 37 pp: 100- 122 ; Elsevier Publishing. Author: Yane Chandera; other author: Cynthia Afriani Utama, Zaäfri Ananto Husodo, & Lukas Setia-Atmaja.

The Role of Dividends, Debt and Board Structure in the Governance of Family Controlled Firms

Journal of Business Finance & Accounting (2009). Vol 36 Issue: 7‐8, pp. 863-898. Wiley Publisher. Author: Lukas Setia Atmaja; other author: Tanewski, G.A., Skully, M.

Corporate Governance: An International Review (2009). Vol 17 Issue: 6, pp. 694-709. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Author: Lukas Setia Atmaja.
International Journal of Managerial Finance (2010). Vol 6 Issue: 2, pp. 128-142. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Author: Lukas Setia Atmaja.
The British Accounting Review (2011). Vol 43 Issue: 3, pp. 230-246. Elsevier. Author: Lukas Setia Atmaja; other author: Janto Haman., George Tanewski.
Corporate Ownership and Control (2008). Vol 6 Issue: 1 D CONT.3, pp. 385-397. Virtus Interpress. Author: Lukas Setia Atmaja.



Wealth Effects of Private Placements : Evidence from Indonesia

International Journal of Accounting and Finance (2016). Vol 6 Issue: 2, pp. 145-165. Inderscience Pub. Author: Yane Chandera; other author: Lukas Setia Atmaja.

The Impact of Family Control on Dividend Policy: Evidence from Indonesia

International Research of Journal Business Studies (2017). Vol 9 No. 3, pp : 147-156 Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. Author: Lukas Setia Atmaja.

Ownership Structure and The Corporate Governance Role of Dividends

Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan (2017). Vol 12 Issue: 1, pp : 76-83. Universitas Merdeka Malang. Author: Lukas Setia Atmaja.

Dividend Policy in Autralia

Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan (2009). Vol 13 No. 2, pp: 260-270. Universitas Merdeka Malang. Author: Lukas Setia Atmaja.

Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions in China: A Test of The Free Cash Flow Hypothesis

Indonesian Capital Market Review (2014). Vol 6 No. 2, pp 87-97. Universitas Indonesia. Author: Yane Chandera; other author: Lukas Setia Atmaja.

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business (2008). Vol 10 No. 3, pp: 331-352. Universitas Gadjah Mada. Author: Lukas Setia Atmaja.
International Research Journal of Business Studies (2008). Vol 1 No. 1. Publisher of IRJBS. Author: Lukas Setia Atmaja.
Awards and Honour
Australian Development Scholarships
Singaporean Government Scholarship

Indonesian Government Scholarships


Corporate Finance


Conference, Talks, Speaking, Engagements and Profesional Experience:


Sharing Knowledge Strategi Investasi (PT Jasa Marga, Februari 2018).

Dewan Editor pada International Research Jurnal of Business Studies (January 2018).

As a Reviewer: "Penelitian Internal Universitas Prasetiya Mulya" (Febuari 2016).



Sharing Investment Tips (PT Federal International Finance, November 2017).

As a Speaker: "Kelas Saham" (Kontan, Februari 2017).

Sosialisasi Investasi Saham (Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Maret 2017).

Sosialisasi Investasi Saham (Bursa Efek Indonesia, April 2017).

As A Moderator: "The 8th IICD Board Forum: Board Performance Evaluation Based on G20/OECD CG Principles (Juli 2017).



As a Interviewees: "Menangkal Investasi Ilegal" (Kontan, Agustus 2016).

As a Participant: "Oneday Workshop of Public Governance" (IICD & ISA, Januari 2016).

As a Reviewer "Asian Journal of Business and Accounting: Why Family Firms Pay Cash Dividends in Emerging Markets".

As a Moderator: "Indonesia Invesment Banking Competition (IIBC) 2016" (Finance and Invesment Society, June 2016).

As a Reviewer: "10th International Conference on Business and Management Research" (Lombok, Oktober 2016).

As a Participant: "The 8th IICD CG Conference & Award 2016: Enchancing Investor Trust Through Good Corporate Governance" (November 2016).

As a Participant: "M-Frame: Effective Knowledge & Talent Management" (September 2016).


Lukas Setia Atmaja, Investment lecturer and Head of the Finance Department at Prasetiya Mulya Business School. He obtained his M.Sc. degree in finance and investment from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and Ph.D. in finance from Monash University, Melbourne. His unique articles about the art of stock investing are published regularly in the "Wake Up Call" column, KONTAN daily every Monday. Various scientific works have been published in international journals.

He also authored textbooks on Financial Management and Business Statistics. This big fan of Indonesian and Belgian photography and comics claimed his childhood was beautiful thanks to Tin Tin, Gundala, Godam, Mandala Siluman Sungai Ular, etc.