Prof. Agus W. Soehadi, Ph.D.

Faculty Member Universitas Prasetiya Mulya 
Awards and Honour


Brand Value Management, Value Based Marketing, Consumunity Marketing, Collaborative Tourism, Co-Creation Value, Experiential Marketing


Segmentation of the Tourism Market for Jakarta Classification of Foreign Visitors' Lifestyle Typologies
Tourism Management Perspectives Journal Volume 19 Part A, July (2016) pp : 32–39 ; Elsevier Publisher. Author: Tara Farina, Srihadi, other author: Hartoyo, Dadang Sukandar, Agus W. Soehadi

How to Measure Relationship Value in Principal-Retailer Context
Journal of Distribution Science Vol. 19 Issue 1. (2021) pp. 37–47. Korea Distribution Science Association (KODISA). Author: Prasetya, P., Najib, M., Soehadi, A.W.

Intra-family succession insights: the presence of millennial cohort successors
Journal of Family Business Management Vol. 11 Issue 1. (2021) pp. 107–135. Emerald Publishing. Author: Hidayati, A., Hermawan, A., Soehadi, A.W., Hartoyo,

Conveying pre-visit experiences through travel advertisements and their effects on destination decisions
Journal of Destination Marketing and Management Vol. 16 (2020). Elsevier. Author: Tercia, C., Teichert, T., Sirad, D., Soehadi, A.

Value co-creation for innovation: evidence from Indonesian Organic Community
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Vol. 32 Issue 2 (2020). Emerald Publishing. Author: Widjojo, H., Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., Soehadi, A.W.

Value Co-Creation For Marketing Innovation: Comparative Study In The SME Community
International Journal of Innovation Management Vol. 24 Issue 3 (2020). World Scientific Publishing. Author: Widjojo, H., Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., Soehadi, A.W.

Value Co-Creation Platform In Indonesian SME Community: SDL Perspective
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship Vol. 25 Issue 2 (2020). World Scientific Publishing. Author: Widjojo, H., Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., Soehadi, A.W.

New taxonomy of relationship value and the moderating effect of relationship age: An empirical study in manufacturer-retailers partnership
Management Science Letter Vol. 10 Issue 16 (2020) pp: 3821–3832 . Growing Science. Author: Prasetya, P., Najib, M., Soehadi, A.W.

Value Co-Creation For Marketing Innovation: Comparative Study In The SME Community

International Journal of Innovation Management (2019). International Society of Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM). Author: Widjojo, H., Other Author: Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., & Soehadi, A. W.

Conveying pre-visit experiences through travel advertisements and their effects on destination decisions

Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (2019). Elsevier Publisher. Author: ChristianaTercia, other author: Thorsten Teichert., Dini Sirad., Agus W. Soehadi

Segmentation of the Tourism Market for Jakarta Classification of Foreign Visitors' Lifestyle Typologies

Tourism Management Perspectives Journal Volume 19 Part A, July (2016) pp : 32–39 ; Elsevier Publisher. Author: Tara Farina, Srihadi, other author: Hartoyo, Dadang Sukandar, Agus W. Soehadi

Brand Equity Model of Jakarta As An International Tourist Destination

Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Sciences - Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Sciences, ICIBSoS (2014). pp: 421-327.  Author: Agus W. Soehadi.

Journal of Strategic Marketing (2001). Vol 9 Issue 4, pp: 285-299. Routledge. Author: Agus W. Soehadi. Other author: Susan Hart., Steve Tagg.

The Relationships Between Supplier Partnership, Environmental Variables and Firm Performance in Retail Industry

Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business (2003). Vol 5 no. 2, pp: 162-188. Gadjah Mada University. Author: Agus W. Soehadi.




Can A Knowledge Sharing Platform Without A Brand Community Platform Contribute To The Brand Community Commitment?

Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi : Indonesian Journal for The Science of Management P-ISSN 1412-1700 E-ISSN 2089-7928 Vol 12 no 1 2013 pp. 88-101. Author: Agus W. Soehadi., other author: Antonius Widyatma Sumarlin, Budi Suharjo, Heny K Daryanto




Dampak Aspek Emosional Konsumen terhadap Brand Loyalty. 

Asian Journal of Entrepreneurship and Family Business, Vol. 1, No. 1 Agustus (2017) pp: 47-62. Authors: Delano A. Yonantha, other author: Rahardian Herdanto; Agus W. Soehadi ; B. Realino Yudianto.

Characteristic and Preferences of Green Consumer Stratification As Bases to Formulating Marketing Strategies of Ecolabel-Certified Furniture

Social and Environmental Accounting (2012). Vol 6 No. 1, pp: 123-141. Author: Ririn Wulandari., Other authors: Budi Suharjo., Agus W. Soehadi., Herry Purnomo.

Awards and Honour


University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Skotlandia (Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing Strategy)

Institut Teknologi Bandung (Master of Industrial Management)

Institut Pertanian Bogor (Bachelor of Science Agriculture) 1984




Brand Management

Value Based Management

Business Development

Marketing Strategic

Advanced Marketing Research

Experimental Marketing

Luxury Brand


Published Writings:

The Power of Brand Aura: Discover Your Brand Believers. Prasetiya Mulya Publishing 2014.

"Strategi Kolaborasi Wisata dalam Peningkatan Keunggulan Destinasi Wisata" Forum Manajemen Indonesia, Oktober 2013.

Marketing Strategy Series: Consumunity Marketing: Strategi Pemasaran Berbasis Komunitas. Prasetiya Mulya Publishing. 2013.

"Membangun Aura Sebuah Brand", Kontan Edisi 11-17 Februari 2013

"Strategi Co-Creation Perusahaan-Komunitas", Majalah SWA Edisi 3 Februari 2013

Marketing Strategy Series: A Value Creation Approach, Prasetiya Mulya Publishing 2012.

"Marketing Sebagai Panggung Permainan", Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, Edisi Desember 2012.

“Era Pemasaran Kotler Berakhir” Kontan Edisi 16, 16-23 Januari 2012

Pijar-Pijar Manajemen Bisnis Indonesia (Co-Author), Prasetiya Mulya Publishing 2011.

“Partisipasi Konsumen” Kontan. Edisi 4 – 10 Juli. No. 41. – XV. 2011

EDC Prasetiya Mulya on Entrepreneurship Education. Seri Kewirausahaan 1. Prasetiya Mulya Publishing. 2011

"The New Business Model Strategy: Berbisnis dari Komunitas Konsumen", Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, XXIV (06), Nov-Des 2010

“Doing Good is a Good Business”, Majalah SWA 10/XXVI/ 12-1 5 Mei, 2010.

“Communomics: Ekonomi Berbasis Komunitas”, Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, XXIV (02), Maret-April 2010, 112-117.

“Konsumunitas Mendorong Consumer Generated Brand Content”, Majalah Mix, 11 (VI) November 2009, 69-70.

“Siapkah Perusahaan Berbagi Dengan Komunitas?” SWA 24/XXV, November 2009, 38-39.

The Consumunity Theory: Contribution of Consumer Community to Producer”, (Co-Author) AM Conference Proceedings, Abeerden, Scotland, 7-10 July 2008.

“Peran Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Mencetak Entrepreneur Terdidik:Kontributor Kebangkitan Ekonomi Bangsa” Majalah SWA, Mei 2008.

Professional Experience:

2013 - Present

Project Head Doctoral Program Prasetiya Mulya

2006 - Present

National Team Leader GEM Indonesia - Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)

Vice Chairman - Indonesia Training & Courses Assembly (HIPKI)


2004 - Present

Academic Position Professor of Marketing Prasetiya Mulya Business School

2002 - Present

Majalah SWA, Mix, Marketing, Cakram, Prospektif, Expert Opinion

Journal of Management Prasetiya Mulya. Member of Editorial Board

Journal of Marketing Science, Universitas Diponegoro, Member of Editorial Board

1990 - Present

Faculty Member in Marketing Department

Conferences, talk, speaker, etc:



“BFI 5th Anniversary Celebrations in Conjunction with STEP APAC Summit 2018”, Singapore Management University, July 2018

The 1st APIEM Senior Meeting, Bandung, March 2018

AACSB International Information Session, August 2018

Speaker - Festival dan Expo Produk UMKM Malang, Januari 2018

Judges - Marketing Awards 2018, Juli 2018

National Council - IMSA, Universitas Indonesia

Chief Editor - Asian Journal of Entrepreneurship and Family Business

Writer - Community-Based Entrepreneurship: A Community Development Model to Boost Entrepreneurial Commitment in Rural micro Enterprises, Juni 2018



Judges - BUMN Branding & Marketing Award, November & Desember 2017

Judges - Property Innovation Award 2017, September 2017

Pernyaji - Orasi Ilmiah Wisuda Universitas Pancasila, Mei 2017

Speaker - Seminar Nasional "Pembaruan Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia", Maret 2017

Writer - Buku "Dare to Deam Big", Maret 2017



Reviewer - The 10th Conference on Business and Management Research (ICBMR), Juni 2016

Reviewer - The role of social influence and brand identity in building consumer - brand relationships in an emerging marketing, ANZMAC 2016 Conference

Guest Reviewer - Gajah Mada International Journal of Business, November 2016

Chief of Research - "How Pre-visit Experience Influence Person Intention to Visit a Tourism Destination", September 2016

Penyaji - The New Stategic Brand Engagement : How to Grab Emotional & Experience of Customers in Digital Era, Indonesia Brand Summit 2016. 29 Maret 2016. Hotel Mulia Jakarta

Judges - Marketing Award, Jakarta, 20 Juli 2016

Penyaji - Orasi Ilmiah Wisuda ke-49, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, 21 Mei 2016

Judges - Penghargaan Primaniyarta 2016, Kementerian Perdagangan, September 2016

Speaker - Seminar Nasional Jurusan Manajemen, STIE Bina Bangsa, November 2016

Pemakalah - Seminar Nasional dan Call for Papers "Strategi Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan Untuk Membentuk Wirausaha Tangguh dan Berdaya Saing Tinggi", Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang, 3 - 4 Mei 2016

Pemakalah - Segmentation of The Tourism market for Jakarta: Classification of Foreign Visitors' Lifestyle Typologies, Elsevier, Maret 2016

Advisor - Pendidik Kewirausahaan Indonesia, Februari 2016



Prof. Agus W. Soehadi has a Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing Strategy from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK in 2001, and is a Marketing Professor since 2004. Previously Prof. Agus W. Soehadi served as Deputy Dean of the Prasetiya Mulya University Business and Economics School from 2012 to 2016. Until now, he is also active in various business associations, including as a Founder at the Indonesian Brand Development Institute (IBDI), as Founder at Indonesian Consumunity Expo (ICE), as VP Education at the International Advertising Association (Indonesian Chapter), and also as a member of the International Accepted Marketing Standard (IAMS). In addition, he is also still active as an external examiner at a number of universities, such as at the University of Indonesia and the Bogor Agricultural Institute. Prof. Agus W. Soehadi is also still active as a contributor in the expert opinion column in a number of business media. Publications and pieces of his writings can be read in a number of media such as SWA Magazine, Mix Magazine, Marketing Magazine and Prospective Magazine.