Prasmulyan Business

Prasmulyan Business Page is a platform that displays data and information on various businesses established by Prasetiya Mulya students and alumni, ranging from businesses that are the final assignment of undergraduate students better known as Business Project, final assignment of S2 student’s Business Plan, personal business, or family business that is continued by students and alumni.

This page was formed to be an information platform for the development of entrepreneurial communities or ecosystems, a collaboration between business people in the form of synergy, business cooperation and mentorship, internship, improvement projects, and support for other academic activities. The presence of this page, can help Prasetiya Mulya students and alumni in building business networks and collaborating so that a strong cooperation ecosystem can be established between Prasmulyan.

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Kabupaten Tangerang 15339, Indonesia

No.HP: 0812-1111-5650 ​