Management Study Program

Bachelor of Branding (S1)

Bachelor’s Degree Program (S1) Branding at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Diffrentiate Your Business

The marketing major curriculum is designed to prepare the students to become marketing professionals who have both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in managing marketing function of an organization, such as identifying consumers, developing distribution channels, and communicating differences among products or services.

The curriculum of marketing major in Prasetiya Mulya School of Business of Economics has been rejuvenated in 2016 so the program is more focused on the brand management aspect of marketing which includes specific topics, such as luxurious products and personal branding strategies.

Imagine a world without marketing or marketers; our minds may think of a semblance of primitive life long gone. Imagine brand new or existing products without anyone being aware of their existences; they might as well not exist at all. Production is one thing while knowledge and access to a product is another thing. However, the demand for that product is the ultimate goal. 

Branding, also known as marketing, is the heart of a business. Marketing is a process that drives production to consumption and the other way around. Have you ever wondered why some products are more in demand than others? Why do people have more interest in certain items instead of others?  What would happen to productions without any demand from customers or potential customers? Branding is about managing values.

S1 Branding is a concentration of the Management Study Program which explores value creation for consumers and brand management.


To become an undergraduate study program that gives a real contribution to the nation’s progress and prosperity by encouraging and nurturing the growth of human resources, specifically as entrepreneurs and professionals, who have business management knowledge and skills, entrepreneurial character, and high social sensitivity.


  • To develop a continuous learning process that provides an excellent level of understanding and that is responsive to changing business landscapes.
  • To develop good interaction between students, lecturers, and education staff to increase the strength of undergraduates’ characters.
  • To create an academic atmosphere and learning process that increases students’ social sensitivity.
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Department Contact Info

Marketing & Customer Relations

Kavling Edutown I.1 Jl. BSD Raya Utama
BSD City, Tangerang 15339

(021) 304 50 500
Call only. (+62) 81511662005
WA: (+62) 813 9886 2005

Social Info


Why take the Bachelor’s Degree Program (S1) Branding at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

S1 Branding students will learn real cases in major brands and across industries through different methods, such as getting insights from guest lectures from business leaders, do projects, be involved in community development, do internships, and participate in brand activation events and university competitions.

Students will learn how to identify consumer behavior,  insights, and journey. At the same time, students will learn how to activate, build, and manage brands. Students will also develop skills on how to create practical and experience-based marketing campaigns.


In the first year, students will learn conceptual and practical business and branding knowledge. During this period, students are required to take an internship project to experience a practical professional working life in a field related to branding. In the second year, students will learn and apply conceptual and practical knowledge of branding where  they will be assigned to do a project focused on branding. In the third year, students will have the option of enrolling in various elective subjects such as Managing Big Data, E-Interactivity, Social Media, or Luxury-Product Branding. In the fourth year, students can choose to undertake a real-world improvement project in a company or branding research as a final project paper.


Semester 1
Customer Behavior*

Semester 2
Consumer Insight*


Semester 3
Customer Journey

Semester 4
Marketing Management*


Semester 5
Brand Management *

Semester 6
Marketing Strategy


Semester 7
Experiential Branding

Semester 8
Final Project

Note: * an example of prerequisite subjects from 1st -7th
The Curriculum could be updated based on current situation semester.

Career Prospect

Brand Manager, Product Manager, Campaign Manager, Advertising Manager, Promotion Manager, Customer Relations Manager, Creative Branding/Marketing Consultant, Marketing Professional, Marketing Research Specialist, Social Media Specialist, Digital Marketing Professional, Public Relations Professional, Leisure/Lifestyle Marketing Professional, Corporate Communication Professional, Creativepreneur, etc.

Faculty Member:

Novi Amelia – Program Manager
B. Realino Yudianto, MIB
Dr.Rer.Pol Christiana Yosevina
Dr. Fathony Rahman, DBA
Dr. Handyanto Widjojo
Dr. Istijanto
Alavi Ali, M.A
Alexander Joseph Ibnu Wibowo, M. S. M


Herdy Jaya Prawiradi P, M.M
Krishnamurti Murniadi, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Dr. Prita Prasetya
Dr. Rudy Handoko
Dr. Suherman Widjaja, S.E., Mbus.Acc.Fin
Arief Budiman, M.I.Kom
Prof. Agus W Soehadi, Ph.D

S1 Branding students at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya are challenged to become successful marketers not only in identifying consumers or creating unique products, but also in capturing and communicating subtle nuances through the integration of branding activities—offline and online—so that consumers become aware, stay interested in buying, and want to repeat purchase.