Management Study Program

Bachelor of Finance & Banking (S1)

Bachelor’s Degree Program (S1) Finance and Banking at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

The finance major curriculum is designed to prepare the students to become finance professionals CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge who have both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in finance, banking, and investment. Since 2014, the BBA in Finance program at the Prasetiya Mulya School of Business of Economics has been accepted into the CFA Institute University Affiliated (previously known as the CFA Institute University Recognition) program.

This affiliation indicates that the BBA in Finance program at the Prasetiya Mulya School of Business of Economics has embedded a significant portion of the (CBOK)—including the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. This also signals to the students and to employers that the curriculum is closely tied to the practice of investment management and is helpful to students preparing for the CFA Program exams.

Undergraduate Finance and Banking study program, which is part of the Management Study Program, strives to build investment competencies in its undergraduates. As a part of CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst ©) Affiliated University, the program has applied global-standard in its learning process by integrating CFA Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK) in its curriculum. CFA is the most prestigious certification in investment that is recognized in more than 100 countries.

The program also integrates Bloomberg Terminals in its learning process to build the skills needed in finance professions and to enable students to grasp complex concepts through practical application and immersion. In addition, this program involves practitioners and industry leaders in its learning process through hands-on projects.

To become an undergraduate study program that gives a real contribution to the nation’s progress and prosperity by encouraging and nurturing the growth of human resources, specifically as entrepreneurs and professionals, who have strong finance and banking knowledge and skills, entrepreneurial character, and high social sensitivity.


  • To develop a continuous learning process that provides an excellent level of understanding and that is responsive to changing finance and banking landscapes.
  • To develop good interaction between students, lecturers, and education staff to increase the strength of undergraduates’ characters.
  • To create an academic atmosphere and learning process that increases students’ social sensitivity.
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Why take the Bachelor’s Degree Program (S1) Finance and Banking at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Finance plays an important role in the economy; it helps companies achieve their optimal performance. The ability of a business to utilize capacity depends on its ability to allocate resources optimally. This is where finance and investment play their roles as being the backbone of business and the economy. They come in place to help businesses choose the right investments to maximize profits.

Finance and investment professionals are considered as experts in the business community. To become one, an individual must possess a wide range of skills, from appraisal skills to appraise investments, knowledge of economics and business insight, critical analysis, forecasting, quantitative and strong codes of ethics. Studying finance will help shape you as a fully competent business professional.

Studying Finance and Banking will help create the individuals needed to help the economy run. This program aims to produce undergraduates with excellent investment competencies that are ready to be applied after finishing the study program.



Semester 1
Intro. to Financial Accounting

Semester 2
Financial Management I


Semester 3
Financial Management II

Semester 4


Semester 5
Security Analysis

Semester 6
Personal Finance


Semester 7
Asset Management

Semester 8
Final Project: Research

Undergraduates of Finance and Banking Study Program

As investment experts, our undergraduates will have the opportunity for a career in finance. With expertise in assessing investment opportunities, finance graduates can work as investment bankers, fund managers, financial planners, investment managers, financial analysts, credit analysts, consultants, and other professions related to investment and finance activities. A deep understanding of investment will open the door to a strategic position in the banking world. Graduates from banking specialties can work as professional bankers, credit/loan specialists, bank managers, consultants, wealth management specialists, personal bankers, and other professions in the world of conventional and Islamic banking.

Career Prospects


Research Analyst, Investment Analyst, Equity Research Analyst, Fund Manager, Portfolio Analyst, Investment Advisor, Wealth Manager, Corporate Finance Analyst, Financial Manager, Financial Advisor, Private Equity Analyst, Venture Capitalist, Investment Banker, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Investment Officer.


Professional Banker, Corporate Banker, Commercial Banker, Credit Analyst, Risk Manager, Treasury Manager, Asset Liability Management, Loan Specialist, and Compliance Manager.

Our Certified Partner

Faculty Member:

John Iwan Kusno, M.Ak. – Program Manager
Dr. Adrian Teja
Agus Salim, M.M., CFA.
Aulia Nurul Huda, S.E., MBA.
Henry Suthiono, M.M


Dahlia Ervina, S.E., M.S.M.
Dr. Yane Chandera, B.Sc., MBA
Prof. Djoko Wintoro, Ph.D.
Glisera Agri Ariyan, S.Mn., M.Sc.
Rathria Arrina Rachman, SE, M.Sc.


“Studying at Prasetiya Mulya University was the best decision I made for my academic life. The combination of hands-on learning, peer collaboration, and broad exposure to industry effectively prepared my transition into working life. Universitas Prasetiya Mulya provides incomparable and extraordinary support, especially from all faculty members, student affairs, and Career Development Center. The campus ensures that I always have access to the best available resources for my learning and development.”

Clarine Pranata - 2012
Undergraduate of Finance and Banking, 2012 Business Analyst, The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)